The tone is different than the tone of her other two books, which seemed softer, even gentle in comparison. This is a no-holds-barred account, gossipy (in a good way) at times, of her time as a restaurant critic for the New York Times, where she used all sorts of disguises in order to avoid the VIP treatment that well-known food critics receive. She includes some of her reviews, the good and bad. And of course, there are more recipes; I've already tried one, for Spaghetti Carbonara, and it was simple and delicious.
At the end of this book, just as Reichl decides she wants out of the restaurant review business, Gourmet offers her a job. I can't wait for that memoir.
After you read the book and take in all the Times-related gossip, be sure to check out their review of Garlic and Sapphires. It's even more fun that way.
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