Uh, topic? Brilliance of the Moon is the name of the final installment. The beginning was kind of sloggy, but I finished the last half in one night. At two o'clock in the morning. On a work night.
In this one, all the stuff that was set up in the second book is settled. Takeo is basically working to fulfill the prophecy and seek revenge, Justice, whatever, at this point. Kaede finds trouble again, too. And we see Shirakawa again, so yay. I liked her. I think it's safe to say this is a series that should be read in order, or you will cry because there are so many characters and subplots.
The ending was nice and open-ended. Of course, the Afterword had to go and tie up all the loose ends, but I prefer to ignore that sort of Afterword.
The script is being written for the movie based on the first book, by the way. The whole trilogy does seem pretty movie-ready, so that's no big shocker. It should be a fun adventure flick, and I'm sure they'll actually be doing the whole trilogy eventually. It's always nice to see books I like adapted for the screen and try to pick out the differences. Unless it's a book that's become a pet of mine, like The Time Traveler's Wife (seriously, plotline = "man with a time-traveling gene uses his innate abilities to visit his lover at different points in her life"?). Then it's a kind of torture. But I think this one will turn out okay.
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