I'm cheating just a smidge here, because I'm not quite finished with this one, but it's an audiobook, I have to return it because someone put a hold on it, and I'm on, like, the penultimate track, so I know I'll finish it today. All I have to do is finish the bonus interview, which wasn't a part of the book, technically, anyway.
This book is a collection of essays about Burroughs's life, his whole life, from elementary school to adulthood. I've read all of his other books, and I think the best thing to say is that if you liked his other stuff, you'll like this. I love Burroughs's sense of humor, and he seems like a pretty cool guy. I'm not sure how to describe the book except to say . . . maybe Burroughs's could be compared to David Sedaris's collections, only rougher and with a lot more swearing. And maybe more confessional. (Yes, I know that every other review on Earth makes the same effing comparison, but it works for me. I haven't read a lot of humor collections, so I have a limited pool to choose from.)
I admit I had to skip a couple of essays, one that involved a rat being killed in a bathtub, and one about dental work -- animal suffering and oral pain, two things that always make me squirm way too much. But the rest of them were perfect. I'm not sure which one I enjoyed best . . . maybe "Debby's Requirements," about a psychotic cleaning lady recommended to Burroughs by a friend. Or the one where he expounds on his belief in magical thinking. They were all good, though.
It's always strange to hear male authors read their stories, it always throws me for a loop. I'm not sure if it's because when I read a book I'm applying one generic "male voice" to all male authors, or if it's because I'm thinking the words in a female voice, or what. Whatever. It's weird. It took me a while to get into Burroughs's voice, because it seems like he ends every sentence in a question, and he puts stress on different words than I would. After a while it's barely noticeable, though I do catch myself repeating phrases like I would say them, just to see where the difference is. Oh, and I had to keep the speakers in the back off because of all the swearing. Now, anyone who knows me well knows I have no problem with swearing, because in the swearing world, I am queen, but I was listening to the CDs in the car. With Rabbit. Who is in this phase where she repeats everything she hears, and we JUST got her off "damn it" so I really didn't want her getting any ideas.
That was very unfocused. Sorry. I liked the book, I like Burroughs, and I really like
his website, which is everything an author's website should be. It's fabulous. Go look! It's the best one I've seen yet. And check out
the bio/FAQ page if you've never read anything by him and want to sample his style.
Now I'm off for a week of hyperactive kids, frazzled and possibly drunk tourists, and staying up and reading books til dawn. And if I'm lucky, picking up some more. Books, not kids or tourists. Just wanted to clarify.