Wednesday, March 09, 2005


It may seem like I have tons of free time with all the reading that's been going on lately, but it's mostly due to the fact that Rabbit is taking an hour or more to get to sleep during her naptimes because of her meds, and after I read her a book a few times, I lay down next to her and read while she looks at one of her books until she falls asleep. So I've had some extra time to read this month.

I don't think I can say enough good things about Lynda Barry's One Hundred Demons. It was great. It's a graphic novel, or close enough to one to call it that, that addresses several of her "demons": dancing, dogs, hate, lost worlds, etc. I loved the stories; they seemed very honest and charming in a bittersweet way. My favorite part, though, was all the collage work throughout the book. Each chapter started with a collage that referenced that chapter's demon, collages that were made from paper, rick-rack, drawings, glitter, photos, fabric. They were beautiful.

This was a library book; it's one I want to eventually add to my collection, though.

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